Village & Country Homes

Oakfields, Bowling Bank, Wrexham, LL13 9RY

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  3. Oakfields, Bowling Bank, Wrexham, LL13 9RY

Best and Final Offers - Due to the high level of interest that has been shown, we are inviting best and final

offers by 12 noon Friday 23rd July 2021. Please complete the attached form and send all offers in the post to Rostons,

West View House, Hatton Heath, Chester, CH3 9AU clearly marked “Oakfields, Bowling Bank”.

A unique opportunity to acquire a plot for a country cottage extending to 827m² with panoramic views of the
surrounding rolling countryside. The plot currently has a 2-storey brick-built cottage in place which is in need of
renovation or redevelopment. The site is located within commuting distance from Wrexham and Chester.

This property has potential to be a superb family home, by either undergoing a scheme of renovation on the
existing cottage or a knockdown rebuild for a residential dwelling on the plot (subject to planning consent).

Click here to download offer form

Contact Information
Price: Offers in excess of £225,000
Phone: 01829 773000

    If you're interested in the above listing, please enter your details below and a member of the Rostons team will contact you to discuss your requirements.