Rostons, Chartered Surveyors and Agricultural Valuers, are taking their roadshow of Basic Payment Seminars around North Wales and Cheshire.
The attendance at these meetings has been significant and it is clear from farmers’ reaction that much of the information relating to the Basic Payment Scheme has not fully sunk in.
The issues arising with the scrapping of the previously proposed regions in Wales and the issues with the new Rural Payment Scheme computer system are causing much concern.
Rostons are urging all farmers in England to register as soon as possible and it is clear from our discussions with the RPA they are endeavouring to ensure the telephone helpline is fully resourced.
Key things farmers should be aware of in England are as follows:
- Registration onto the new system
- Greening and ensuring you meet the necessary Greening requirements
- Active farmer status
In Wales, the key issues are as follows:
- To ensure all land is registered and eligible to receive Basic Payment Entitlements as 2015 will be the only year to get a free allocation of Entitlements for most.
With this in mind, Tony Rimmer believes naked acres will become a thing of the past for 2015 in Wales.
If you require assistance with completion of your forms or registration, the Rostons Team would be delighted to assist.
For more information, please contact Rostons on 01829 773000.