The average annual rainfall in Cheshire area is 1,211mm and Duttons Contractors after a very wet winter are now doing works on behalf of Scottish Power, throughout the County.
In 2016/2017 Contractors had a tendency to undertake the works with no prior warning to Land Owners or Occupiers and Rostons were then left to pick up the pieces.
Due to an influx of claims submitted by Agents, Scottish Power have now requested that Duttons Contractors liaise with the Grantors and Land Owners to agree access prior to any works being undertaken.
If you are contacted by Scottish Power or Duttons Contractors and they cause damage to your land, you are entitled to claim compensation. We advise that prior to any works, a pre-entry meeting is undertaken where all access routes are confirmed in writing as the Contractors undertaking the works are not necessarily those attending the pre-entry meeting and maps can be forwarded to them to minimise any damage. Provided we are instructed we would attend this meeting.
A number of lines have been surveyed throughout the County which are in need of urgent repair and this is why the works are being done at this time of the year.
If you are contacted by Duttons Contractors or Scottish Power then please do not hesitate to contact Rostons, who would be delighted to assist.