Rostons have been informed that INEOS Shale have appointed local firms of Land Agents to contact Land Owners and Occupiers to enter into Licences in the North of Cheshire.
Seismic Surveys were undertaken in 2016 by iGas. IENOS Shale now have the Contract to undertake Surveys for shale gas extraction between the M56 and Northwich.
Rostons specialise in representing Land Owners and Occupiers affected by Utility Schemes and are there to ensure those willing to allow the Surveys on their land are fully represented and they are aware of the implications of Seismic Surveys.
Seismic Surveys are undertaken to allow a 3D x-ray image of what is beneath the ground and from this information, it can be determined if shale gas is available.
If you are contacted by Fisher German Priestner Ltd with regard to entering into a Licence for Seismic Surveys, we suggest that you take professional advice and Rostons will of course be delighted to assist.