The Rural Payments Agency has today announced that the facility to transfer entitlements and land via their online system is now active.
Any transferring of land or entitlements will have to be done before the 15th May 2018 for it to be included within the 2018 claim.
The function also allows land to be removed from a claim if it has been incorrectly linked to an SBI number.
Early activation of this facility will allow claimants to make sure that the land on their online account and the number of entitlements they hold is correct.
Hywel Davies of Rostons said “As this facility is now live, we would ask claimants to look at the number of entitlements they have to make sure it corresponds with the amount of eligible land they hold, and to contact us if they require any entitlements or would like to sell surplus entitlements”.
Rostons have been trading entitlements since December and currently English Non SDA entitlements are trading at around £150/ha.