By the time you are reading this article Basic Payment Entitlement trading will be all complete, but we believe it would be useful to reflect on what has been a very busy time at the office.
Entitlement trading tends to start in the September proceeding the May deadline for each scheme year. In September entitlements were trading around the £220 per hectare and trade was mainly done by those purchasers who knew in advance that they needed additional entitlements and were will to pay the going rate to secure them for the scheme year.
Over Christmas trade started to drop and at its lowest point we were trading at £175 per hectare in late April/early May 2016.
Generally most entitlements were traded at £180 – £190 per hectare.
In total Rostons traded a total of 714.33 hectares of entitlement over the trading period.
For those wanting to buy entitlements it was a perfect investment opportunity if they had “naked land” (i.e. land without entitlement) given the fact that it would be just over one scheme year before they saw a return on their investment.
Likewise for those that had lost land but still retained the entitlements, it was an ideal opportunity to secure an additional amount of capital income.
Trading will start off again later on this summer and we would encourage anyone in a position to either buy or sell, to contact us to ensure their needs are registered with us.