It may not come as a shock to many that the Oxford Farming Conference has recently announced some interesting proposals for the world ahead of us post Brexit.
Reading in the Times Newspaper on Thursday, Carys Studley of Rostons comments that a “freedom to farm” article has made its way into national press. This article comments on the Common Agricultural Policy and the possible impact upon Britain’s withdrawal from the EU.
Particular commentry from Andrea Leadsom, the Environment Secretary relates a promise to free up farmers to grow more, sell more and export more great British food.
Commentators, however, have been quick to state that Andrea Leadsom needs to be careful not to mistake a slogan for a strategy.
Carys Studley comments on “a new post Brexit agricultural landscape, where farmers livelihoods may be at stake, but also the food prices and health of the countryside”.
The national article states that there is little prospect of phasing out subsidies by 2020, but it is hope that Brexit should eventually yield trade deals with the EU and beyond.
Carys Studley also comments that “the main take home message from the Environment Secretary was her pledge to scrap the ridiculous three crop rule, which is a requirement under the Greening Rules for the Basic Payment Scheme.
Mrs Leadsom had stated that this rule applies disproportionately to British farms, because they are bigger than the EU average.
Whilst nothing can be said for certain for now, it is looking as though at least some progress or thought has been made to clear up some of the unnecessary burdens that farmers have as a result of being members of the European Union. However, undoubtedly there will be a number of negative impacts which will need to be managed and dealt with accordingly.