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New schemes announced to aid business development in rural areas and the agricultural sector

Currently the government have a number of schemes available that offer new opportunities to farmers and people that live in rural areas, including…

  • Rural Broadband Infrastructure Grant – funded through the Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE)
  • Bovine TB Advisory Service – funded through Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
  • Countryside Productivity Scheme – funded through the RDPE. Current funding available:
    • Investment in farm technology and equipment
    • Water Resource Management
    • Improving Forestry Productivity

The most recent announcements are the £40 million funding being made available for farmers to Investment in Farm Technology and Equipment, £30 million funding to improve Rural Broadband Infrastructure and the Bovine TB Advisory Services.

Funding: Investment in Farm Technology and Equipment

As a result of technological change over the past decade the agricultural sector has advanced more than ever before and is continuing to do so. To further enhance the development within the sector the government is making available £40 million to encourage farmers to develop their businesses by investing in cutting edge technology and new equipment.

The grant is available under the Countryside Productivity Scheme to help livestock, dairy, arable and horticultural farmers improve farm productivity through investing in new technology. The funding supports a wide range of projects, from robotic milking machines to green technology.

Bovine TB Advisory Services

Farmers whose herds are at risk of bovine TB are now able to access expert help. The services will provide both on-farm and phone or email advice to farmers in High Risk areas of England. To register your interest either call 01306 779410 or email info@tbas.org.uk.

Once registered, a trained consultants will be appointed to advise on limiting on-farm disease risk, and undertake farm visits that will offer clear, practical advice to help farmers protect their herds and, if needed, manage the impacts of a TB breakdown on their farm.

Rural Broadband Infrastructure Grant

In areas where there is poor or no broadband the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) is offering funding to develop infrastructure and make available Superfast Broadband in more rural areas.

If you require more information on any of the schemes outlined above please contact Rostons.