TO LET – Land and Stables at Barrow
Land and Stables at Barrow
A block of three stables and storage barn, set on hardstanding with a generous parking area. There is grazing extending to 1.88 acres which is split into three paddocks. There are to be no more than two horses and one pony on the property at any one time, and all must be owned or leased by the Tenant.
Agreement – The land and stables will be let on a Common Law Tenancy for a minimum of 12 months, unless agreed otherwise by the Landlord in writing.
Services – Mains water (billed quarterly) and Solar lighting.
Offers – Offers over £360 per calendar month. Please complete and return the attached offer form to Alice Kearns ( prior to 12 noon on Friday 29th September.
Viewings – The land can be viewed by appointment only after speaking with the selling agent.