***For Sale by Informal Tender (closing date for offers 23/02/2023)*** Land at Manor Farm, Hankelow, Nantwich, CW3 0JA
Two excellent good sized easily workable blocks of agricultural land with separate access extending in total to 100.94 acres
(40.85 hectares) currently maize stubble but also suitable for a grass ley.
Lot 1 – 46.63 acres (18.87 hectares) (blue on map) Three good arable fields that have direct access off the A529 that have
recently been down to maize. Also, there is a small area of woodland.
Lot 2 – 54.31 acres (21.98 hectares) (red on map) Two good arable fields that are accessed from Hall Lane via a hardcore
track. Two of the fields have recently down to maize with the remainder of the land is suitable for grazing.
It should be noted that any offers put forward should be able to exchange within two weeks of the closing date, with a ten
percent non-refundable deposit paid to the vendors Solicitors.