HS2 have now released more detailed plans for Phase 2B, Crewe to Manchester showing a more detailed design of the scheme, which includes…
- Construction compounds
- Balancing ponds
- Road realignments
- Public footpath realignments
Although the plans are still evolving, it provides a much clearer picture for those affected by the scheme as to the extent of land take, and the amount of infrastructure they will have on their land.
Importantly, these plans do not show the extent of ecological mitigation required by the scheme, such as additional land taken for ponds and woodland creation, therefore, land occupiers can likely expect to lose a greater area of land than shown in these plans.
The second round of Farm Impact Assessment meetings, scheduled to begin towards the end of the year will provide a formal process for affected parties to respond to HS2 regarding the impact the scheme will have on their property and business.
For further information contact the Rostons office on 01829 773000