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Further Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Simplification Measures Announced

Phil Hogan, EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development has unveiled further simplification measures for the implementation of the CAP.

The measures announced this week consist of three instruments.

1) Preliminary checks of aid applications
This allows farmers to make corrections to their aid applications up to 35 days after the final date of submission without any penalties.

2) Simplification of the administrative penalties for direct payments system
Currently the calculation of penalties is based on different categories. The different categories will be replaced by a simple penalty, which is 1.5 times the area over-declared. If approved, would apply for 2016 and reduce the level of penalties. Small over-declarations that are up to 3 per cent of the area declared or 2 hectares would continue to not be penalised.

3) A ‘yellow card’ system would be introduced for first offenders. Where the over-declaration is minor (less than 10% of the area determined), the administrative penalty would be cut in half.

Tony Rimmer of Rostons stated “It is positive that those at the top are looking to simply the CAP and to reduce penalties. I believe at this stage those claimants that have not yet been paid will be more concerned about when the payment will be made, we can only hope that the slow payment issue is resolved for the 2016 payments in 11 months time”.

For further information contact the Rostons office on 01829 773000