The recent announcement that planning permission has been granted for Fracking in North Yorkshire, could lead to further applications within the Cheshire Region.
Tony Rimmer, Director of Rostons has been watching this case with interest as he has been aware that iGas and INEOS, two companies that hold the PEDL (Petroleum Exploration and Development Licences) within Cheshire have been watching this case in advance of considering planning applications with Cheshire.
Following the Seismic Surveys which took place North of Chester last year which is understood, was the largest 3D Seismic Survey carried out in the UK in recent years, Tony believes we will see applications from these companies.
If you are a landowner or occupier within Cheshire and are approached for access to your land, we would urge you to take professional advice since it is not only the licence terms which require consideration but there are a number of other factors.
For further details please contact the Rostons office.