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Farndon Property Creates Substantial Interest

Rostons Village & Country Homes has recently brought to the market a village property in Farndon which within 24 hours of being launched, had over 600 views on Rightmove, a substantial number of phone enquiries and a large number of viewings booked.

This shows the demand for the village and rural property and with the recent extension of the Stamp Duty Holiday, the market for buying and selling houses is busier than ever.

Carys Studley, Director of Rostons, advises “If you are considering your options, now is the best time to sell because once the Stamp Duty Holiday comes to an end later this year, it may depress the market.”

So what should you consider with choosing an Agent? No matter how buoyant the market is, you need to ensure that you pick an Agent that understands the local market, you are comfortable with and you know will work to achieve the best possible value for you.

The Rostons Village & Country Team have over 100 years experience between them and they would be delighted to discuss the whole process with you, so that when you feel ready and able to progress to launching your property to the market, there are no potential hiccups.

It is often tempting to instruct an Agent who provides the highest valuation of your property but this does not necessarily mean you will achieve that sale price and put off potential purchasers.

As part of our FREE home visit valuation process, Carys comments “We will not only assess the current value of your property, but we will look at what has sold in the local area and the level of demand. As we specialise in Village and Country properties, we understand the market for these properties. Indeed, we are so lucky that in the area we live and operate in, we have an abundance of appealing villages at our fingertips, which really does make our job even more exciting!”

Rostons Village & Country Homes Team are offering FREE Home Visit Valuations for anyone seriously considering putting their property on the market.

Contact the Team to book your visit 01829 773000

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