Rostons, leading Entitlement Trading Agents, report a busy end to the 2011 claim trading period.
Whilst this year it was apparent that purchasers and vendors alike were more organised, with entitlements being placed on the market earlier and in many cases when the 2010 entitlements statement landed on the door step, it was only in the last few weeks of trading that activity became brisk.
Once again we found it was a market where demand did not exceed supply, although unlike previous years, the balance was much closer and led to prices increasing and peaking for regional area payments at £265 per hectare.
With all forms submitted, Rostons now await the approvals and are already taking enquiries from both purchasers and vendors alike for trade for the 2012 claim period.
Rostons also undertake a substantial amount of single payment claim form completions, having last year made the change to completing on line which proved successful, this year the online system has proved equally as beneficial.
Interestingly Tony Rimmer, Director of Rostons, was not only able to start submitting SP5 forms online from 1 March 2011 when the system opened, some two weeks ahead of the paper forms, but also by using the track change facility you could see claims advancing from the initial eligibility checks to undergoing validation.
If you require assistance regarding single payment or entitlements contact the Rostons Office.