The Euro/£ exchange rate has been set at 0.79805 for SPS 2012 payments. This means that claimants will receive nearly 7p less per Euro than last year resulting in a reduction in their SPS payment of 8%.
As the busy Entitlement Trading period approaches, recent trading has seen English non-SDA entitlements achieving between £180 and £200 per hectare (excluding VAT).
SDA and SDA moorland entitlements are guided at £160 and £35 per hectare (excluding VAT) respectively.
Recent progress with the CAP reform has seen changes to the original proposals; most importantly it is proposed that entitlements currently in circulation may now roll over into the new scheme, which is likely to be implemented in 2015. This is likely to have a positive effect on prices this coming trading year. However, again it will all come down to supply and demand.
The naked land market may also have an impact on the value of entitlements again this year, as individuals who have historically rented in land to activate surplus entitlements may opt to sell entitlements instead, as it is becoming increasingly difficult to ensure that the land is at the claimants’ disposal if they are not actively farming the land. This increased supply of entitlement to the market could potentially reduce prices.
For list of available entitlements please follow the link below;
If you have any queries or would like to discuss this matter further please don’t hesitate to contact Sam Catling, Ros Rimmer, or Efa Jones.