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English Entitlements will be rolled over to the new Basic Payment Scheme (BPS)


The long awaited news has finally been announced – English Entitlements will be rolled over to the new Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) rather than a new allocation being carried out.

This means that an assessment will be carried out of who “holds” the SPS entitlements on 31st December 2014 and those entitlements will then become BPS entitlements. As England is now rolling forward, there is no need for the 2013 “golden ticket”.

If you buy entitlement now for the 2014 claim year, they will be available to be claimed on until 2020.

With this confirmation, entitlement trading will likely take a faster pace and the Rostons team urge you to consider selling and buying entitlements, particularly now as there is certainty for the future.

Please contact our Entitlement Trading team for more information.