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Early Signs For 2012 Shows Keen Interest to Acquire Land

Early signs for 2012 are that the appetite from those commercially minded farmers, be it both dairy and arable, are still keen to acquire land.

This will undoubtedly continue to keep land values strong and certainly in the opinion of Tony Rimmer, Director at Rostons, premium sales can often be achieved with careful marketing.

In the Rostons experience, whilst traditionally auction has been the most successful route to obtain premium values, this has decreased in recent years as the banks become more difficult to arrange finance.  Traditionally auction has a five week period for advertising and even for the best customer this only provides a limited timescale for the Bank Manager to make sure finance is in place.  As a result during the tail end of 2011, we saw marked contrast in values between private sales and those where auction was involved, particularly if there were only a limited number of interested parties.

In most areas it is easy to identify which active farmers are likely to be interested and by approaching them direct, often good prices can be achieved in a reasonable timescale.

If you are thinking of selling land, farms or development property, please contact the Rostons Team