Those farming businesses that were offered a Countryside Productivity Small Grant (CPSG) Round 3 Offer had until midnight on Monday 18th January 2021 to accept the Grant Funding Agreement on the online acceptance portal.
Rostons, Rural Land and Property Specialist, acted for 12 farm businesses ranging from small family dairy farms through to large arable contracting operators. Having submitted the online acceptance portal for these applicants, the next step is to now start complying the grant claim such that the funding can be paid back to them from the RPA.
It has been clearly stated in the guidance that claims could be refused by the RPA. Georgina Simonds of Rostons, who has assisted with these claims, further comments that “It is paramount to ensure a full and complete application is submitted for the claim, with all correct supporting documents, prior to the deadline of 31st May 2021, such that the funding can be paid back as quickly as possible.”
The RPA have threatened in their guidance that an incomplete claim could be invalidated or worse, rejected, such that claimants cannot pursue a 40% refund on the grant claim items, despite already purchasing an installing them.
With a combined total of £59,000 applied for as grant funding during this last round of the scheme, the Rostons Grants Team are now in the process of putting together robust grant claims for their clients and would urge anyone in this position that needs help, to contact the office on 01829 773 000.