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Commercial Farmland Demand Is Expected To Remian Strong

The recent RICS/RAC Rural Land Market Survey published for the early part of 2012 shows that Nationally transaction volumes have fallen to their lowest level since 2006 and generally Agents throughout the country feel there is an underlying trend towards strong demand from commercial farmers amid these tight supply conditions.

The lifestyle market remains flat.

This is followed in Cheshire and the North West as well as across the rest of the country.  The most expensive agricultural land in the survey is located in the West Midlands at £7,219 per acre and followed by the North West at £6,938 per acre.

Tony Rimmer, Director of Rostons, still feels there is strong demand for land within the Cheshire and North West locality and is readily achieving prices in excess of the general average, with many sales being completed between £8,000 – £10,000 per acre and indeed some over the £10,000 per acre mark.

Those commercial businesses are becoming more attune to the fact that purchase of land immediately adjoining their main steading is worth significantly more due to the saving, not only in time running between the areas of land but also fuel costs, which is seen as becoming an increasing cost into the future.

If you are considering either purchasing land or selling land and farms and would like advice then please contact Tony Rimmer at Rostons.