It has recently been announced that from BPS scheme year 2017, if a claimant does not comply with the Greening requirements, Greening penalties may be applied in addition to the reduction to the Greening payment.
Carys Studley of Rostons comments “that meeting the Greening rules was mandatory for BPS claimants in the 2015 and 2016 scheme year”. Carys also continues to comment that “the maximum a farmer could lose for not meeting the crop diversification or ecological focus area requirements could be 100% of their Greening payment only”. However, in contrast for 2017 any claimant that has failed to meet either crop diversification or ecological focus area requirements for three scheme years can lose 100% of their Greening Payment, even if it is only one element that has not been met.
In addition to this, Carys Studley of Rostons comments that “in addition to this reduction, additional penalties could be applied”.
If you are concerned about your Greening requirements going forward into the next planting season in readiness for your 2017 Basic Payment Claim, then please contact a member of the Rostons Team who would be delighted to assist you.