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Basic Payment 2015 – Update on Non-Payment Letter

It has recently been announced by the RPA that they remain on track to pay “the vast majority” of BPS 2015 claimants by the end of January.  However, there is no strict detail of what exactly the “vast majority” resembles in terms of number of claimants.

A number of claimants would have received a letter before Christmas stating that they are unlikely to receive their BPS payment until February 2016 at the earliest.  The RPA will now be sending follow up letters to these BPS claimants stating that their payment will be from February 2016 and cross border claimants not to expect payment until April 2016 at the earliest.

Carys Studley of Rostons comments that “any claimants that also have been inspected or have common land are also very unlikely to receive their payments until April 2016”.

If you have any concerns over the position of your payment or believe you may have been underpaid there will be an opportunity to investigate this further and appeal at a later stage this year.


Please contact the team at Rostons if you have any concerns.

For further information contact the Rostons office on 01829 773000